Wednesday 1 October 2014

30r20 70% HRR - 2k HD - 1k r30

Started the morning with a 30r20 HRR 70% after being woken at 4am by the baby (well toddler) was awake till 5am then drifted to sleep until just after 6am and so the day started with a struggle. Managed to get into work in time for a 30r20 70% HRR and felt alright after.

Lunchtime I wanted to attack the 2k again - r30 and aim at sub 1:32 splits. Did the warm up but on the second to last "sprint" phase it felt like something dropped or broke and hit me in the upper leg - thinking it might be part of my headphones or the erg I stopped and checked - couldn't see anything - so dialed in another 1k to get the final sprint done.

So went for a quick wander and then set for the 2k - I got down earlier today and there where a few people in the gym (last two days I've been on my todd) - I don't know if it was that - lack of sleep - the "stuff" I have to see someone about after work or the previous two days of 2k's but the rate wouldn't stay where I wanted it and the split was drifting as well so after 1100m I called a halt.

But wanting to get some decent training in I decided to set up a 1k and r30 that at 1:30 pace and did - just - well one extra stroke lol

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