Tuesday 5 May 2015

KettleBelled - 30r20 battle

Trained Friday lunchtime with a short sprint session. Saturday I was looking after my daughter as the wife was working - somehow ended up buying myself 2 16kg kettlebells at some point lol and that night once the dogs where walked and the baby was in bed I dropped in Facebook for suggestions as to a quick and easy session to which Ben Morris came back with "15 swings then drop to 10 press-ups on kettlebells, then 15 swings, then 9 press ups and repeat down to 1 press up" I did the swings with a single KB and got down to 7 press ups before I struggled and dropped to doing the press ups from the floor by the 5 - nice sweat on at the end - followed up with 3 by 10 double swings and then 3 by 10 shoulder press (standing) - Sunday out all day and Monday I had a half day in work then home to look after my daughter while mum worked at the same time I was hit by DOMS lol triceps are the worse followed by chest, backs of shoulder and inner thighs. So today when I got down at lunchtime to the erg it was painful to warm up - but - the good news is my heels have adapted to the "Ruby slippers" (BAT Logic) and I got through the row with no blister pads nore signs of blisters so looks like I have that sorted :o) - bad news is I blew about 20 minutes into the row and took a tactical break of about 30 to 60 seconds to regroup - actually finished the piece happy even though I had to stop. Hopefully the blood flow will help recovery also :o)

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